Saturday, January 21, 2023

Elements & Principles


Ann Hamilton, Artist  - Color Scheme

Kaleigh Shaw - Color Scheme
Personal Photo

57 Varieties - Art 21

Alex Da Corte 

"This beautiful moment of transition when I think we as a country and as a people are always transitioning."

"All of those things are deeply important and exciting. That's why we make art, to propose that those feelings should come to the service and be harvested."

"Bad Land,"  by  Alex Da Corte - 

This exhibits the principle of balance. This is because of the different bottles and shapes in front of him that create asymmetry. 

Alex Da Corte - 

This exhibits the element of color. This is because of the bright color that is in the neon lights of the sculpture. 

Creativity I Admire

 "Octopus Mother," by Kat Zhou, Best of Show, Macro -

Daniel Rich -

"Metamorphasis, 2021," by Oliver Laric -

"Coil Journey - Anatomy of a Process," by Eusebio Sanchez -

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Few of My Favorite Things

 1.  Twisty Pop Figure: I have an unhealthy obsession with collecting pop figures. This is one of my many favorites because I also love and collect clown objects. 

2.  Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk: I was raised always reading books and I collect my favorite ones now. My dad is a librarian and also collects books so books always make me think of my childhood and my dad. Palahniuk is my favorite author out of all authors because of his cynical writing style. 

3.  Cleo in a Polaroid: Cleo is the second cat I got as a child, we still have her. She's the sweetest thing but only to me. She means a lot to me as she sleeps with me every night. She has always been by my side since we got her.

4.  Motionless In White Record: This is my favorite band though this is the only record I have from them so far. I have a lot of records but this one is special because it is purple and not the standard black vinyl.

5. My Airpods: These are my second pair since my first ones died. I am very attached to them as they are always by my side. I keep them in almost all the time, especially at work.

6. Aladin Zane Notebook: I write a lot as it is one of my passions. This means more than just writing to me since it is David Bowie. It is his birth and death month so it is only fitting that I tribute to him as one of my favorite things.

7. Shark Squishmallow: Sharks are my favorite animal's hands down and I will love nothing less until the day's end. I also like stuffed animals to an unhealthy level. It is needless to say that both sharks and stuffed animals are all around my room.

Experimental Sculpture

 Repetition Sculpture:  "She Bleeds In Spirals" 16x6 Wood, Wire, Yarn/String, Paint Negative Space Sculpture: "Trapped" ...